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  • Coffee and Tea physiology

    Very marked scientific and public interest has been taken into the physiological effects of coffee and tea on the human body.

    Coffee Physiology

    Much interest has been directed towards establishing whether coffee has any harmful effects, both long and short term upon the human body, not least as a result of the many negative assertions that have been made, primarily in the popular media.

    The quantity of coffee physiology scientific work that has been carried out worldwide, using all the relevant disciplines of the life sciences to study every aspect of coffee drinking on the human and animal bodies and to refute unscientific allegations when necessary is truly amazing. One of the main compounds in coffee is of course caffeine, this was isolated by Runge in 1820. Many other compounds have been identified that play roles in taste, and/or have other effects upon the consumer.

    Areas of Coffee Physiology

    The subject of coffee physiology covers many areas; these are listed below.

    Physiologically active substances in coffee
    Metabolism of coffee constituents
    Epidemiological studies on the effects of coffee drinking
    Physiological effects of coffee and its components
    Nutritional Factors
    The physiology of flavour
    Feeding studies on coffee
    Mutagenicity of coffee
    Allergens and mould toxin containments
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminants

    Tea Physiology

    As with coffee there is much interest into the physiological impacts of tea consumption. Unlike coffee however, most people see tea as being a healthy drink as a consequence of the antioxidants that green tea (catechins) and black tea (theaflavins) contain; there are also many antioxidants present in coffee. In addition to these antioxidants tea also contains plenty of vitamins and minerals that have a physiological impact.