Time for coffee and tea
Coffee drinking and its effect upon suicide rates
There have been two major cohort studies carried out in the USA that have investigated the relationship of coffee consumption to the risk of suicide.
In one of the studies that were carried out on over 125 thousand people in California, it was found that the risk of suicide decreases by 13% for every cup of coffee that is drank.
In another story it was found that woman who consume at least two cups of coffee a day were half as likely to commit suicide as non coffee drinkers. However in another study that was carried out in Scandinavia it was found that men who drank more than eight cups of coffee a day were more likely to commit suicide than those who consumed less.
It is therefore suggested that if you are feeling a little down (or even worse) that you should increase your coffee consumption to at least two cups a day, but don’t go overboard!